(U) AnyLoRA + ALunarDream2.0 = AnyLunaLoRA
Weights: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,1,1,1,0.8,0.8,0.8
(U) AnyLunaLoRA + AmedirabV2 = ALunamediraExperimentbV2
Weights: 0,0,0,0,0,0.08,0.08,0.19,0.07,0.06,0.09,0.23,0.25,0,0,0,0,0.36,0.73,0.67,0.9,0.62,0.77,0.8,0.75
(C) piromizu-diffusion + SCHExcelsior_v20 * 0.5 =PiromizuExcelsior
(C) ALunamediraExperimentbV2 + PiromizuExcelsior * 0.5 = anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2
(U) anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2 + basil-mix = anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil
Weights: 1,0.9,0.7,0.5,0.3,0.1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,1
(L) anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil + <thick-coat-cg-style:0.2> + <dpepv5-extracted:0.5> + <cutesexyrobutts_v2:0.7> + <incase2:0.4> = anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil+LoRA
(C) anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil+LoRA + ImpastoMix * 0.5 = MIX-GEM-T1ASTE(CSRB7+INC4)
(P) MIX-GEM-T1ASTE(CSRB7+INC4) + kl-f8-anime2 = MIX-GEM-T1.fp16
MyMIX-GEM-T1 failures
(C) mousemix + AnimePastelDream_Hard_bakedVae = mouseyPastelDream
(L) anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil + <thick-coat-cg-style:0.2> + <dpepv5-extracted:0.5> = anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil+LoRA (failed)
(C) anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil+LoRA (failed) + mouseyPastelDream * 0.5 = MIX-GEM-T1 (failed)
Notes: Too rounded, no texture retention from Excelsior. CSRB flavor extremely weak. Couldn't do good muscles. Discarded.
(U) GishikiV1.1 + TMND-Mix_VI = MBW-RCOS Gishiki1.1 tmndVI
Weights: Reverse Cosine
(U) anyLunaPiromizuExcelsiorbV2_basil+LoRA (failed) + MBW-RCOS Gishiki1.1 tmndVI = MIX-GEM-Pro (failed)
Weights: Cosine
Notes: Style too clean, too anime like. Brightness could not be toned down. Discarded.
(U) GishikiV1.1 + Silicon29-dark = MBW-RCOS Gishiki1.1 Silicon29
Weights: Reverse Cosine
(U) MIX-GEM-T1ASTE(CSRB7+INC4) + BW-RCOS Gishiki1.1 Silicon29 = MIX-GEM-T1Pro
Weights: Cosine
Notes: Initial results were good, style was strong, very nice collection on off-set noise. However, mix was too unstable and attempts to use loras kept collapsing. Merging Gishiki into half impasto too much Gishiki? Without loras, style was too flat. Reverted back to T1.