Important: if you want high-quality weather forecasting, please check out FourCastNet, which is much more accurate (not affiliated)

WeatherGPT Small

An experimental approach to predict weather using the transformers architecture.


Disclaimer: I'm not a meteorologist! I'm just a random student who knows very little about meteorology/physics!

This project is experimental and does not take into account physics/wind/etc. TL;DR: Don't rely on this! Traditional weather algorithms are likely much more accurate!

How it Works

We propose a method of fine-tuning GPT-2 models of various sizes (and eventually larger models) to predict the weather. We propose to process each day's weather into something similar to the following format: [HIGH_TMP,LOW_TMP]. Example: [60,80] for a day with a low of 60° and a high of 80°.

Prompting Format

