not-for-all-audiences art nsfw conversational chat llama2-2-13B

Model Description

A LORA trained on the book 120 Days of Sodom. It Is intended for heavy NSFW content. Many users might find it disturbing.

<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this model is. -->


<!-- Address questions around how the model is intended to be used, including the foreseeable users of the model and those affected by the model. -->

Direct Use

<!-- This section is for the model use without fine-tuning or plugging into a larger ecosystem/app. -->

This model is finetuned for heavy NSFW roleplay, while can still an assistant. (Might not be very helpfull)

Out-of-Scope Use

<!-- This section addresses misuse, malicious use, and uses that the model will not work well for. --> Be safe, I am not responsible for what this lora outputs. Do anything you want. I don't care

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

<!-- This section is meant to convey both technical and sociotechnical limitations. -->

Model might have bias to NSFW due to the large % of NSFW data in the training set.

Training Details

Training Data

raw text The 120 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade(1904) <!-- This should link to a Data Card, perhaps with a short stub of information on what the training data is all about as well as documentation related to data pre-processing or additional filtering. -->

Training Procedure

4bit MythoMaxL2 Rank: 128 Alpha: 256 Batch size: 128 Micro Batch: 1 Cutoff: 256 Epoch: 3 Learning Rate: 3e-4

Overlap Length: 64 Prefer Newline: 128

<!-- This relates heavily to the Technical Specifications. Content here should link to that section when it is relevant to the training procedure. -->

Training Hyperparameters

Compute Infrastructure

Hardware Type: 3080Ti Hours used: 10 OogaBooga