<img src="https://images7.alphacoders.com/921/921311.jpg" style="width: 70%; min-width: 300px; display: block; margin: auto;">

An experimental merging of Several Models using 3 merging methods. Ties-Merge, BlockMerge_Gradient [& SLERP Variant] as well as SLERP. 5 Models included Inside, 2 LORAs.

Early release because I'll be busy for the next month. Incomplete but workable, see below.



Same concept as Stheno & Stheno Inverted, at different densities, weights and gradients.

Illustration for final gradient merge cannot be shown, each of the tensors had a different ratio applied to it.

<br>Test Checklist: <br>Censorship - NSFL no Issues <br>Writing - Good Prose and Writing Quality <br>NSFW - Yes <br>IQ Level - Slightly dumber than Euryale. Even worse at Coding / Math though. Good for RP. As a general assistant? She's not the most accurate. <br>Formatting - Markdown Formatting Issues, Able to Follow Statuses well.

<br>Most formats could work, but my tests have all been done in Alpaca format and it works well.

### Instruction:
Your instruction or question here.
For roleplay purposes, I suggest the following - Write <CHAR NAME>'s next reply in a chat between <YOUR NAME> and <CHAR NAME>. Write a single reply only.

### Response:

<br>My 7th Attempt. Incomplete so far, early release. <br>Timeline Goals: <br> Apply COT to model. <br> Apply the RP LoRA I'm working on to model. <br> Further tinker and test for potential better combinations.

Once Again, thanks to Chargoddard and Gryphe for their scripts, and @Vali for modifying some of the scripts provided to implement SLERP on a Cloud GPU Service. Thanks to @gradientputri for partially sponsoring half of the compute costs for my Runpod usage. Thanks to the original model creators too!

Art by wada_kazu / わだかず (pixiv page private?)


License This model is strictly non-commercial (cc-by-nc-4.0) use only which takes priority over the LLAMA 2 COMMUNITY LICENSE AGREEMENT.

The "Model" is completely free (ie. base model, derivates, merges/mixes) to use for non-commercial purposes as long as the the included cc-by-nc-4.0 license in any parent repository, and the non-commercial use statute remains, regardless of other models' licences.

Non-Commercial due to parent models having the above license.

Parent Models with this license: <br>garage-bAInd/Platypus2-70B-instruct <br>elinas/chronos-70b-v2


<br>elinas/chronos-70b-v2 <br>NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-Llama2-70b <br>jondurbin/airoboros-l2-70b-2.1-creative <br>garage-bAInd/Platypus2-70B-instruct <br>MayaPH/GodziLLa2-70B

LORAS <br>nRuaif/fiction.live-Kimiko-V2-70B <br>lemonilia/limarp-llama2-v2