Parralel Dimensions (CivitAI
Parralel Dimensions - a computer generated image of a person in the desert
<p>All rights to the works in the training dataset belong to the authors of these works.</p><p>LoRA is based on the works of authors who were made for <strong>Challenge | PARALLEL DIMENSIONS</strong></p><p>You can find more details at <a rel="ugc" href="">the following link</a></p><div data-youtube-video><iframe width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen="true" autoplay="false" disablekbcontrols="false" enableiframeapi="false" endtime="0" ivloadpolicy="0" loop="false" modestbranding="false" origin playlist src="" start="0"></iframe></div>
Image examples for the model:
Parralel Dimensions - a person standing in front of a mountain with a lot of fire
Parralel Dimensions - a monk is standing in the middle of a cloudy sky
Parralel Dimensions - a man standing in front of a mountain with a green light
Parralel Dimensions - a man standing in the middle of a body of water
Parralel Dimensions - a person walking through a body of water with a mountain in the background
Parralel Dimensions - a person standing in the middle of a forest
Parralel Dimensions - a person standing in front of a tunnel with a mountain in the background
Parralel Dimensions - a video game scene with a person walking down a path
Parralel Dimensions - a person standing in the middle of a dark forest