

This is a BERTopic model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets.


To use this model, please install BERTopic:

pip install -U bertopic

You can use the model as follows:

from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("etanios/short-arxiv-bertopic")


Topic overview

<details> <summary>Click here for an overview of all topics.</summary>

Topic ID Topic Keywords Topic Frequency Label
-1 data - learning - model - based - algorithm 50 Machine Learning and Data Analysis
0 deep - networks - neural - training - network 2896 Advances in Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision
1 neural - word - model - language - models 1036 Neural Language Models
2 regret - bandit - online - algorithm - problem 755 Optimization of regret in multi-armed bandit problems
3 policy - reinforcement - reinforcement learning - learning - control 552 Reinforcement Learning Policies
4 clustering - clusters - data - means - cluster 504 Clustering algorithms and techniques
5 classification - classifiers - class - classifier - ensemble 463 Machine Learning Ensembles
6 gradient - stochastic - convex - convergence - optimization 293 Optimization techniques for non-convex problems
7 learning - epsilon - distribution - complexity - bounds 271 Machine Learning and Complexity
8 matrix - rank - low rank - low - completion 257 Matrix Completion and Robust Matrix Completion
9 sparse - dictionary - signal - signals - sensing 218 Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning
10 kernel - kernels - learning - kernel learning - mkl 185 Kernel Learning and Multiple Kernels
11 topic - topics - lda - model - topic models 173 Topic Modeling and LDA
12 bayesian - structure - bayesian networks - bayesian network - network 163 Structure learning of Bayesian networks
13 users - user - recommendation - items - collaborative 162 Recommendation Systems: Collaborative Filtering
14 inference - posterior - variational - mcmc - carlo 157 Bayesian Inference Techniques
15 feature - selection - feature selection - data - classification 145 Data Preparation for Cancer Classification
16 active - active learning - learning - optimization - bayesian optimization 144 Active Learning and Optimization
17 lasso - sparse - group - sparsity - regression 137 High-dimensional regression with sparsity
18 distributed - ml - communication - machine - data 126 Distributed Machine Learning
19 privacy - private - differential privacy - differential - differentially 117 Privacy and Data Mining
20 anomaly - detection - anomaly detection - data - anomalies 99 Anomaly Detection in Data Sets
21 ranking - rank - items - pairwise - comparisons 92 Ranking and Preference Learning
22 metric - metric learning - distance - learning - similarity 87 Metric Learning
23 svm - support - support vector - svms - vector 79 Efficient and Fast SVM Algorithms
24 hashing - hash - binary - codes - bit 76 Large-scale search and indexing using hashing methods
25 graph - graphs - nodes - relational - kernels 75 Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning
26 manifold - dimensional - data - manifold learning - embedding 74 Manifold Learning and Dimensionality Reduction
27 tensor - decomposition - tensors - rank - tensor decomposition 74 Tensor Decomposition and Rank
28 bethe - belief propagation - belief - propagation - bp 73 Inference in Graphical Models
29 image - semantic - images - visual - shot 65 Zero-shot learning for image recognition
30 gp - gaussian - gaussian process - process - covariance 65 Gaussian Processes for Large Data
31 domain - adaptation - domain adaptation - target - source 64 Domain Adaptation
32 crowdsourcing - workers - labels - crowd - worker 56 Crowdsourced Labeling and Task Assignment
33 causal - variables - data - discovery - cause 55 Causal Discovery and Inference
34 label - multi label - multi - labels - multi label classification 55 Multi-Label Classification
35 protein - proteins - prediction - structure - amino 54 Protein structure prediction and sequence analysis
36 nmf - nonnegative - matrix - nonnegative matrix - factorization 52 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)


Training hyperparameters

Framework versions