not-for-all-audiences nsfw

What is PetrolLM?

PetrolLM is Mistral-7B-v0.1 model fine-tune using QLoRA (4-bit precision) for the purposes of creative writing and roleplay.

The dataset consists of 5800 samples, with the composition as follows:

These samples were then back-filled using gpt-4/gpt-3.5-turbo-16k or otherwise converted to fit the prompt format.

Prompt Format

The model was finetuned with a prompt format similar to the original SuperHOT prototype:

style: roleplay
  [char]: [description]
summary: [scenario]
[char]: [message]
Human: [message]

Use in Text Generation Web UI

Install the bleeding-edge version of transformers from source:

pip install git+

Or, alternatively, change model_type in config.json from mistral to llama.

Use in SillyTavern UI

As an addendum, you can include one of the following as the Last Output Sequence:

Human: In your next reply, write at least two paragraphs. Be descriptive and immersive, providing vivid details about {{char}}'s actions, emotions, and the environment.
{{char}} (2 paragraphs, engaging, natural, authentic, descriptive, creative):
[System note: Write at least two paragraphs. Be descriptive and immersive, providing vivid details about {{char}}'s actions, emotions, and the environment.]

The third one seems to work the best. I would recommend experimenting with creating your own to best suit your needs.

Finetuing Parameters