Model Name: _

Team Name: _

Owner: _

Last Updated: _

Last Updated By: _

Model Task: _

Model Library: _

GCP Project: _

Model Hosting Platform: _

THD Partners

Additional Contributors: _

Engineering Support: _

Product Support: _

VP or Initiative Owner _

Important Links

Source Code Place Link here and in proceeding () to hyperlink

Model Running Location Link to Hyperlink

Confluence Link to Confluence


Problem Statement

This is where your models problem statement goes.

Intended Use & Limitations

This is where the intended use for your model and various limitations it may have goes.

Business Value

This is where the business value of your model goes.

Summary of Results

This is where the summary of the results your model produced goes.

Training Data

Dataset Used to Train Model

Here, you can explain some details about the data set that you trained the model on.

Link Description: Link to hyperlink


Data Set Name Link to dataset

Data Set Name Link to dataset

Data Set Name Link to dataset

How to Run

This is where a detailed report on how to run your model goes.

Link to start code

Model Architecture

This is where the description of the model architecture goes.

Github: Link to Github

Model Metrics

Metrics of Success

This is where a description of the different metrics that your model is capturing goes.

Metric Result
Latency #
Accuracy #
Metric #

Description of Features

This is where a description of the features listed above goes.


This is where a detailed report of your research goes.

Research Link: Link to Research

Link Description: Link to Description

Name of Link: Link

Additional Fields


This is where additional information can be written.


This is where additional information can be written.

Associated Models

Model Name Goes Here Model Name Goes Here