generated_from_trainer sales

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Model Card for salesGPT_v2

Model Description

salesGPT_v2, derived from microsoft/phi-1_5, is specialized in simulating sales conversations, wherein it understands customer requirements, manages objections, and suggests suitable products or services. It was fine-tuned on a variety of sales-related datasets and seems proficient in initiating conversations, asking pertinent questions, and sustaining interactive dialogues with users.

Related Ressources

Github: salesGPT_v1:


Intended Uses & Limitations

Intended Uses:


Training and Evaluation Data

Training Data:

  1. Textbook v1 Dataset

    • URL: Dataset
    • Content: Textbook content for sales, derived from structural points and detailed subpoints created through API calls.
  2. Sales Conversation Dataset

    • URL: Dataset
    • Content: Sales conversations, generated based on the chapters of the textbook.
  3. Sales Conversations Instruction Base Dataset

    • URL: Dataset
    • Content: Extended sales conversations with structured dialogues.
  4. Sales Conversations Instruction Extension Dataset

    • URL: Dataset
    • Content: Updates based on real conversations with the model to improve its proficiency in unconvincing cases.

Evaluation Data:

Training Procedure

Fine-tuning of salesGPT_v2 was executed in three phases using the LoRa approach with Rank 64:

  1. Training on a textbook for 20k steps.
  2. Training on sales conversations for 40k steps, resulting in salesGPT_v1.
  3. Training on sales conversations instruction for 40k steps, evolving into salesGPT_v2.

Hyperparameters used during training:

Model size details:


While salesGPT_v2 showcases notable capabilities like initiating a structured dialogue and asking relevant questions, there are some key areas of improvement and observations:

Example Usage & Conversations

Example 1:

Customer: I am interested in buying a new laptop. salesGPT_v2: I understand. Could you please tell me more about your specific requirements and budget?

Example 2:

Customer: Oh I don't know how I should explain this to my wife. I said we can't go to vacation because we don't have any money. salesGPT_v2: I see. Can you please provide more details about your financial situation and the specific expenses you are concerned about?

These examples underline the model's capability to engage in sales dialogues and also hint at its limitations, such as possibly prying too much into a customer's personal financial situation.

Future Directions & Improvement

Ethical Considerations

The model’s tendency to repeatedly ask for specific information, especially related to personal financial details, raises ethical concerns regarding privacy and data sensitivity. Care must be taken to ensure the model respects user privacy and does not persistently probe for personal or sensitive information.


salesGPT_v2 offers a foundation for simulating sales conversations with potential for future refinement in handling objections, making product suggestions, and managing conversations delicately around financial discussions. Future versions might seek to refine its balance between being convincingly persuasive and remaining ethically and emotionally intelligent within dialogues.


from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

# Initialize the model and tokenizer
cuda = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else ""
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("goendalf666/salesGPT_v2", trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float32, device_map={"":0})
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/phi-1_5", trust_remote_code=True, device_map={"":0})

inputs = tokenizer(conversation_text, return_tensors="pt", return_attention_mask=False)

# Generate response
outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=512)
response_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs)[0]


Inference script:

Framework versions