

Model Details


The cxllin/Llama2-7b-med-v1 model, derived from the Llama 7b model, is posited to specialize in Natural Language Processing tasks within the medical domain.

Development Details

Model Source Links

Direct Applications

The model is presumed to be applicable for various NLP tasks within the medical domain, such as:

Downstream Applications

Potential downstream applications might encompass:

Out-of-Scope Utilizations

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

Recommendations for Use

Utilizers are urged to:

Getting Started with the Model

Details regarding model deployment and interaction remain to be provided.

Training Dataset

Preprocessing Steps

Details regarding data cleaning, tokenization, and special term handling during training are not specified.

@article{jin2020disease, title={What Disease does this Patient Have? A Large-scale Open Domain Question Answering Dataset from Medical Exams}, author={Jin, Di and Pan, Eileen and Oufattole, Nassim and Weng, Wei-Hung and Fang, Hanyi and Szolovits, Peter}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.13081}, year={2020} }