huggan gan unconditional-image-generation

Butterfly GAN

Model description

Based on paper: Towards Faster and Stabilized GAN Training for High-fidelity Few-shot Image Synthesis

which states: "Notably, the model converges from scratch with just a few hours of training on a single RTX-2080 GPU, and has a consistent performance, even with less than 100 training samples"

also dubbed the Light-GAN model. This model was trained using the script here which is adapted from the lucidrains repo.

Differently from the script above, I used the transforms from the official repo. Because our training images were already cropped and aligned. official paper implementation repo

transform_list = [
            transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

Intended uses & limitations

Intended for fun & learning~

How to use

import torch
from huggan.pytorch.lightweight_gan.lightweight_gan import LightweightGAN # install the community-events repo above

gan = LightweightGAN.from_pretrained("ceyda/butterfly_cropped_uniq1K_512")
batch_size = 1
with torch.no_grad():
        ims = gan.G(torch.randn(batch_size, gan.latent_dim)).clamp_(0., 1.)*255
        ims = ims.permute(0,2,3,1).detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
        # ims is [BxWxHxC] call Image.fromarray(ims[0])

Limitations and bias

Training data

1000 images are used, while it was possible to increase this number, we didn't have time to manually curate the dataset.

& also wanted to see if it was possible to do low data training as mention in the paper.

More details are on the data card

Training procedure

Trained on 2xA4000s for ~1day. Can see good results within 7-12h. Importans params: "--batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulate_every 4 --image_size 512 --mixed_precision fp16" Training logs can be seen here

Eval results

calculated FID score on 100 images. results for different checkpoints are here

but can't say it is too meaningful (due to the shortcomings of FID score)

Generated Images

Play with the demo

BibTeX entry and citation info

Made during the huggan sprint.

Model trained by: Ceyda Cinarel

Additional contributions by Jonathan Whitaker