
<!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You should probably proofread and complete it, then remove this comment. -->


This is still a work-in-progress and should be treated as such.

Model description

This is an autogressive smol language model. It generates text.

It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:

Intended uses & limitations

Doing things. Limitations are that it is smol.

Additionally, <insert generic, emotionless, and corporate statement about bias in language models here>.


Most recent training run was on JeanKaddour/minipile for 2 epochs. Otherwise, please refer to the below quote:

UnFoRtUnAtElY We'rE UnAbLe tO ShArE DeTaIlS AbOuT ThE TrAiNiNg aNd tHe dAtAsEtS (eXtRaCtEd fRoM ThE OpEn wEb) DuE To tHe hIgHlY CoMpEtItIvE NaTuRe oF ThE FiElD.


eval metrics
epoch 2.0
eval_accuracy 0.4685
eval_loss 2.7521
eval_runtime 0:00:03.89
eval_samples 300
eval_samples_per_second 77.049
eval_steps_per_second 9.759
perplexity 15.675


some improvements and some degradations over prev versions. May indicate the last dataset in curricula matters/needs to be chosen specifically

hf-causal-experimental (pretrained=BEE-spoke-data/verysmol_llama-v8-minipile_x2,revision=main,trust_remote_code=True,dtype='float'), limit: None, provide_description: False, num_fewshot: 0, batch_size: 16

Task Version Metric Value Stderr
arc_easy 0 acc 0.3662 ± 0.0099
acc_norm 0.3460 ± 0.0098
boolq 1 acc 0.6052 ± 0.0085
lambada_openai 0 ppl 156.8153 ± 6.5985
acc 0.2010 ± 0.0056
openbookqa 0 acc 0.1280 ± 0.0150
acc_norm 0.2660 ± 0.0198
piqa 0 acc 0.5865 ± 0.0115
acc_norm 0.5805 ± 0.0115
winogrande 0 acc 0.5217 ± 0.0140
Task Version Metric Value Stderr
arc_challenge 0 acc 0.1877 ± 0.0114
acc_norm 0.2235 ± 0.0122
Task Version Metric Value Stderr
hellaswag 0 acc 0.2622 ± 0.0088
acc_norm 0.2777 ± 0.0089
Task Version Metric Value Stderr
truthfulqa_mc 1 mc1 0.2705 ± 0.0156
mc2 0.4729 ± 0.0155

Training procedure

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Accuracy
2.7625 0.02 200 2.8982 0.4457
2.7377 0.03 400 2.8812 0.4477
2.6883 0.05 600 2.8774 0.4489
2.7654 0.06 800 2.8811 0.4479
2.744 0.08 1000 2.8838 0.4464
2.6922 0.09 1200 2.8921 0.4461
2.7416 0.11 1400 2.8930 0.4464
2.7337 0.12 1600 2.8972 0.4465
2.7046 0.14 1800 2.8933 0.4472
2.673 0.15 2000 2.8926 0.4483


Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Accuracy
2.5155 1.88 24800 2.7524 0.4685
2.5092 1.89 25000 2.7522 0.4686
2.5093 1.91 25200 2.7523 0.4685
2.4574 1.92 25400 2.7521 0.4686
2.5137 1.94 25600 2.7522 0.4686
2.4598 1.95 25800 2.7521 0.4686
2.515 1.97 26000 2.7521 0.4685
2.5429 1.98 26200 2.7521 0.4686
2.4789 2.0 26400 2.7521 0.4686