The Base, Pretrained J.O.S.I.E. Model customized for me Gökdeniz Gülmez and my usecase as a Private assistat like J.A.R.V.I.S.

This is the 40`th version that will be used by me

It's from the Llama v2 7B model by Meta

I changed the Tokenizer to use the Spetials tokens, the rest of the model is the same:


- and i added the Spectial Tokens: [JOSIE] and [/JOSIE] for the comppletion

For basic conversations and Question Answering


For Function Calling (still working on it)

[GÖKDENIZ_GÜLMEZ]{prompt}[/GÖKDENIZ_GÜLMEZ][JOSIE]\n<function_call>{Function JOSIE calles}[/JOSIE][GÖKDENIZ_GÜLMEZ]<function_response>{The respinse of the called function}</function_response>[/GÖKDENIZ_GÜLMEZ][JOSIE]{JOSIEs response on the function call}[/JOSIE]

Updates coming soon...

license: apache-2.0 language: