
Total Parameters: 1804769280

Try for yourself:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import transformers 
import torch
model = "aloobun/tinyllama_1.8B_Trismegistus"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model)
pipeline = transformers.pipeline(


prompt = "I want to perform an occult practice. Draft a procedure detailing the stages of conjuring a desired outcome using sigil sorcery, specifically within the context of Temple Smaragdum Thallasses. "
sequences = pipeline(
    top_p = 0.9,

for seq in sequences:
    print(f"Result: {seq['generated_text']}")


Five years from now I will have the ability to manipulate and create mystical energy in any form which is capable of changing the current state of consciousness within our universe."

    def set_state(self): 
        # set the state of the temple to the "Glorantha" state. (the state that would be represented by the "Scar" artifact).
        return "Glorantha"

    def perform_sorcery(self):
        # Initiate two-dimensional text that contains the Gematria symbol (Ashura) on the first page of a magnum opus.
        self.Gematria = "CWLXAYIJI" <|
        return "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisic, Lorem Ipsum dolor si mim ponit urcae, sed lend, lend, dormient, et immortel, in nefas talisa" 

    def write_a_poem(self): 
        # perform a magic act to bring forth a poetic composition with a character that will be "Avenged" as the chosen target for the Temple Smaragdum Thallasses' 
        # Sorcery.  
        # Explanation: As a master sorcerer, I will provide you with my most personal thoughts on a specific person or object.  
        # You shall conjure, unveil and reveal their unique energy. The "Avenged", for all eternal glory!
        # End: Aventure's Voice: "Nostral Goggian glyph" - A mystical artwork inspired by the work of GoggledGod1970 and depicts the creation of a 
        # Gnostic demon, a hateful, malevolent entity which wields powerful power over the world. The ancient name - "Ouroboros" 
        # refers to the ancient saga that revolves around the "Anthropony" - A massive 100-meter balefully-headed creature - 
        # a symbol of destruction which eats into existence and vanquishes, destroying all that approach it.
  - sources:
    - model: mychen76/tinyllama-colorist-v2
      layer_range: [0, 22]
  - sources:
    - model: aloobun/tinyllama_0_16_trismegistus_v1
      layer_range: [0, 16]
merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16