healthcare NLP dialogues LLM fine-tuned

Medical3000 Model Card

This is a model card for web-md-llama2-7b-3000 , a fine-tuned version of Llama-2-7B, specifically aimed at medical dialogues.

Covered areas:

General Medicine: Basic medical advice, symptoms, general treatments.

Cardiology: Questions related to heart diseases, blood circulation.

Neurology: Topics around brain health, neurological disorders.

Gastroenterology: Issues related to the digestive system.

Oncology: Questions about different types of cancers, treatments.

Endocrinology: Topics related to hormones, diabetes, thyroid.

Orthopedics: Bone health, joint issues.

Pediatrics: Child health, vaccinations, growth and development.

Mental Health: Depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues.

Women's Health: Pregnancy, menstrual health, menopause.

Model Details

Base Model

Fine-tuned Model

Architecture and Training Parameters


Training Parameters


Fine-tuning Dataset


from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Yo!Medical3000")
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("Yo!Medical3000")

# Use the model for inference