
German Hotel Review Sentiment Classification

A model trained on German Hotel Reviews from Switzerland. The base model is the bert-base-german-cased. The last hidden layer of the base model was extracted and a classification layer was added. The entire model was then trained for 5 epochs on our dataset.

Model Performance

Classes Precision Recall F1 Score
Room 84.62% 88.00% 86.27%
Food 79.17% 82.61% 80.85%
Staff 63.64% 70.00% 66.67%
Location 83.33% 62.50% 71.43%
GeneralUtilitys 76.92% 76.92% 76.92%
HotelOrganisation 26.67% 30.77% 28.57%
Unknown 25.00% 16.67% 20.00%
ReasonForStay 100.00% 50.00% 66.67%
Accuracy 69.00%
Macro Average 67.42% 59.68% 62.17%
Weighted Average 69.36% 69.00% 68.79%

Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix