SSCI-BERT: A pretrained language model for social scientific text


The research for social science texts needs the support natural language processing tools.

The pre-trained language model has greatly improved the accuracy of text mining in general texts. At present, there is an urgent need for a pre-trained language model specifically for the automatic processing of scientific texts in social science.

We used the abstract of social science research as the training set. Based on the deep language model framework of BERT, we constructed SSCI-BERT and SSCI-SciBERT pre-training language models by transformers/

We designed four downstream tasks of Text Classification on different social scientific article corpus to verify the performance of the model.


How to use

Huggingface Transformers

The from_pretrained method based on Huggingface Transformers can directly obtain SSCI-BERT and SSCI-SciBERT models online.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("KM4STfulltext/SSCI-BERT-e2")

model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("KM4STfulltext/SSCI-BERT-e2")
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("KM4STfulltext/SSCI-SciBERT-e2")

model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("KM4STfulltext/SSCI-SciBERT-e2")

Download Models

From Huggingface

From Google Drive

We have put the model on Google Drive for users.

Model DATASET(year) Base Model
SSCI-BERT-e2 1986-2021 Bert-base-cased
SSCI-SciBERT-e2 (recommended) 1986-2021 Scibert-scivocab-cased
SSCI-BERT-e4 1986-2021 Bert-base-cased
SSCI-SciBERT-e4 1986-2021 Scibert-scivocab-cased

Evaluation & Results

JCR Title Classify Dataset

Model accuracy macro avg weighted avg
Bert-base-cased 28.43 22.06 21.86
Scibert-scivocab-cased 38.48 33.89 33.92
SSCI-BERT-e2 40.43 35.37 35.33
SSCI-SciBERT-e2 41.35 37.27 37.25
SSCI-BERT-e4 40.65 35.49 35.40
SSCI-SciBERT-e4 41.13 36.96 36.94
Support 2300 2300 2300

JCR Abstract Classify Dataset

Model accuracy macro avg weighted avg
Bert-base-cased 48.59 42.8 42.82
Scibert-scivocab-cased 55.59 51.4 51.81
SSCI-BERT-e2 58.05 53.31 53.73
SSCI-SciBERT-e2 59.95 56.51 57.12
SSCI-BERT-e4 59.00 54.97 55.59
SSCI-SciBERT-e4 60.00 56.38 56.90
Support 2200 2200 2200

JCR Mixed Titles and Abstracts Dataset

Model accuracy macro avg weighted avg
Bert-base-cased 58.24 57.27 57.25
Scibert-scivocab-cased 59.58 58.65 58.68
SSCI-BERT-e2 60.89 60.24 60.30
SSCI-SciBERT-e2 60.96 60.54 60.51
SSCI-BERT-e4 61.00 60.48 60.43
SSCI-SciBERT-e4 61.24 60.71 60.75
Support 4500 4500 4500

SSCI Abstract Structural Function Recognition (Classify Dataset)

Bert-base-cased SSCI-BERT-e2 SSCI-BERT-e4 support
B 63.77 64.29 64.63 224
P 53.66 57.14 57.99 95
M 87.63 88.43 89.06 323
R 86.81 88.28 88.47 419
C 78.32 79.82 78.95 316
accuracy 79.59 80.9 80.97 1377
macro avg 74.04 75.59 75.82 1377
weighted avg 79.02 80.32 80.44 1377
Scibert-scivocab-cased SSCI-SciBERT-e2 SSCI-SciBERT-e4 support
B 69.98 70.95 70.95 224
P 58.89 60.12 58.96 95
M 89.37 90.12 88.11 323
R 87.66 88.07 87.44 419
C 80.7 82.61 82.94 316
accuracy 81.63 82.72 82.06 1377
macro avg 77.32 78.37 77.68 1377
weighted avg 81.6 82.58 81.92 1377


