natural-questions-short question-answering

xtremedistil-l6-h256-uncased for QA

This is a xtremedistil-l6-h256-uncased model, fine-tuned using the NaturalQuestionsShort dataset from the MRQA Shared Task 2019 repository.


Language model: xtremedistil-l6-h256-uncased
Language: English
Downstream-task: Extractive QA
Training data: NaturalQuestionsShort
Eval data: NaturalQuestionsShort
Infrastructure: Google Colaboratory GPU


batch_size = 16
n_epochs = 2
base_LM_model = "xtremedistil-l6-h256-uncased"
max_seq_len = 512
learning_rate = 3e-5
optimizer = AdamW
weight_decay = 0.01
lr_schedule = Linear
warmup_steps = 0


The model was evaluated on the on the NaturalQuestionsShort dev set from the MRQA Shared Task 2019 repository.

"exact_match": 46.914926768463694,
"f1": 63.863619507647456,

UKP Square

This model can also be found on UKP Square. This website from the UKP lab at the TU Darmstadt is a platform to compare and evaluate cloud-hosted QA models via explainability techniques and behavioral tests.

Author & Background

This model was created by Janik and Ben during the DL4NLP course by Ivan Habernal