Video Transformers video-classification image-classification

Model description

This model is intended to be used for the task of classifying videos.
A video is an ordered sequence of frames. An individual frame of a video has spatial information whereas a sequence of video frames have temporal information.

In order to capture both the spatial and temporal information present within a video, this model is made up of a hybrid architecture consisting of a Transformer Encoder operating on top of CNN feature maps. The CNN helps in capturing the spatial information present in the videos. For this purpose, a pretrained CNN (DenseNet121) is used to generate feature maps for the videos.

The temporal information corresponding to the ordering of the video frames can't be captured by the self-attention layers of a Transformer alone as they are order-agnostic by default. Therefore, this ordering related information has to be injected into the model with the help of a Positional Embedding.

The positional embeddings are added to the pre-computed CNN feature maps and finally fed as input to the Transformer Encoder.

The final model has nearly 4.23 million parameters. It works best with large datasets and longer training schedules.

Intended uses

The model can be used for the purpose of classifying videos belonging to different categories. Currently, the model recognises the following 5 classes:


Training and evaluation data

The dataset used for training the model is a subsampled version of the UCF101 dataset. UCF101 is an action recognition dataset of realistic action videos collected from YouTube. The original UCF101 dataset has videos of 101 categories. However, the model was trained on a smaller subset of the original dataset which consisted of only 5 classes.

594 videos were used for training and 224 videos were used for testing.

Training procedure

  1. Data Preparation:
  1. Building the Transformer-based Model:
  1. Model Training:

The model is then trained using the following config:

Training Config Value
Optimizer Adam
Loss Function sparse_categorical_crossentropy
Metric Accuracy
Epochs 5
  1. Model Testing:

The model is tested on the test data post training achieving an accuracy of ~90%.

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

Hyperparameters Value
name Adam
learning_rate 0.0010000000474974513
decay 0.0
beta_1 0.8999999761581421
beta_2 0.9990000128746033
epsilon 1e-07
amsgrad False
training_precision float32

Model Plot

<details> <summary>View Model Plot</summary>

Model Image

