flair token-classification sequence-tagger-model

Persian Part-of-Speech Tagging in Flair

This is the part-of-speech tagging model for Persian that ships with Flair.

F1-Score: ?? (UPC-2017)

List of Tags in UPC:

tag meaning
ADJ adjective
ADJ_CMPR Comparative adjective
ADJ_INO Participle adjective
ADJ_SUP Superlative adjective
ADJ_VOC Vocative adjective
ADV Adverb
ADV_COMP Adverb of comparison
ADV_I Adverb of interrogation
ADV_LOC Adverb of location
ADV_NEG Adverb of negation
ADV_TIME Adverb of time
CLITIC Accusative marker
CON Conjunction
DELM Delimiter
DET Determiner
FW Foreign Word
INT Interjection
N_PL Plural noun
N_SING Singular noun
NUM Numeral
N_VOC Vocative noun
P Preposition
PREV Preverbal particle
PRO Pronoun
SYM Symbol
V_AUX Auxiliary verb
V_PA Past tense verb
V_PP Past participle verb
V_PRS Present tense verb
V_SUB Subjunctive verb

Demo: How to use in Flair

Requires: Flair (pip install flair)

from flair.data import Sentence
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

# load tagger
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("hamedkhaledi/persain-flair-pos")

# make example sentence
sentence = Sentence("تمام ایران یک تابستان تنوری را تجربه میکند .")

# print result

This yields the following output:

تمام <DET> ایران <N_SING> یک <NUM> تابستان <N_SING> تنوری <ADJ> را <CLITIC> تجربه <N_SING> میکند <V_PRS> . <DELM>