
SpecLab Model Card

This model card focuses on the model associated with the SpecLab space on Hugging Face. Temporarily, please contact me for the demo.

Model Details

      author = {Yin, Haoli},
      doi = {TBD},
      month = {8},
      title = {SpecLab},
      url = {},
      year = {2022}


Direct Use

The model is intended to be used to generate dense pixel-wise segmentation maps of specular reflection regions found in endoscopy images. Intended uses exclude those described in the Misuse and Out-of-Scope Use section.

Downstream Use

The model could also be used for downstream use cases, including further research efforts, such as detecting specular reflection in other real-world scenarios. This application would require fine-tuning the model with domain-specific datasets.

Limitations and Bias


The performance of the model may degrade when applied on non-biological tissue images. There may also be edge cases causing the model to fail to detect specular reflection, especially if the specular reflection present is a different color than white.


The model is trained on endoscopy video data, so it has a bias towards detecting specular reflection better on biological tissue backgrounds.

Limitations and Bias Recommendations


Training Data

The GLENDA "no pathology" dataset was used to train the model:

Training and Evaluation Procedure & Results

You can view the training logs here at Weights and Biases

During training, input images pass through the system as follows:

The simplified training procedure for SpecLab is as follows:

Environmental Impact

SpecLab Estimated Emissions

Based on that information, we estimate the following CO2 emissions using the Machine Learning Impact calculator presented in Lacoste et al. (2019). The hardware, runtime, cloud provider, and compute region were utilized to estimate the carbon impact.


      author = {Yin, Haoli},
      doi = {TBD},
      month = {8},
      title = {SpecLab},
      url = {},
      year = {2022}

This model card was written by: Haoli Yin