recaptcha captcha hcaptcha prediction torch efficientnet keras coreml tensorflow webapp python

** Captcha Images Prediction **

This model is the images version of the Captchot project, a from-scratch experimental project containing two models to predict image based captchas and text-to-image based captchas

** Dataset **

The dataset used is a dataset of 300k+ images taken from real-world captcha dumps (mainly reCaptcha 1 and 2 and hCaptcha plus others found to be used online) divided in categories (such as trains, cars, stairs...).

The complete list of labels can be found in Structure.png.

** Files **

You can find the training overall informations in training_info.png, the .zip structure in Structure.png and the demo webapp screenshot in Webapp.png. contains the exported models for different frameworks: tensorflow, onnx, keras, a webapp demo, a python ready to use script and coreml .

** Model **

The model has been trained with EfficientNet at 1000 iterations and early stop to avoid overfitting. The full network has been trained.

** Useless info **

The training has been done on a M1 Pro Apple Silicon chip and took approximately 20h to fully train (plus the dataset importing phase).