bert cloze distractor generation


Model description

This model is a Candidate Set Generator in "CDGP: Automatic Cloze Distractor Generation based on Pre-trained Language Model", Findings of EMNLP 2022.

Its input are stem and answer, and output is candidate set of distractors. It is fine-tuned by DGen dataset based on allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased model.

For more details, you can see our paper or GitHub.

How to use?

  1. Download model by hugging face transformers.
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM, pipeline

tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("AndyChiang/cdgp-csg-scibert-dgen")
csg_model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("AndyChiang/cdgp-csg-scibert-dgen")
  1. Create a unmasker.
unmasker = pipeline("fill-mask", tokenizer=tokenizer, model=csg_model, top_k=10)
  1. Use the unmasker to generate the candidate set of distractors.
sent = "The only known planet with large amounts of water is [MASK]. [SEP] earth"
cs = unmasker(sent)


This model is fine-tuned by DGen dataset, which covers multiple domains including science, vocabulary, common sense and trivia. It is compiled from a wide variety of datasets including SciQ, MCQL, AI2 Science Questions, etc. The detail of DGen dataset is shown below.

DGen dataset Train Valid Test Total
Number of questions 2321 300 259 2880

You can also use the dataset we have already cleaned.


We use a special way to fine-tune model, which is called "Answer-Relating Fine-Tune". More details are in our paper.

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:


The evaluations of this model as a Candidate Set Generator in CDGP is as follows:

P@1 F1@3 MRR NDCG@10
13.13 12.23 25.12 34.17

Other models

Candidate Set Generator

Models CLOTH DGen
BERT cdgp-csg-bert-cloth cdgp-csg-bert-dgen
SciBERT cdgp-csg-scibert-cloth cdgp-csg-scibert-dgen
RoBERTa cdgp-csg-roberta-cloth cdgp-csg-roberta-dgen
BART cdgp-csg-bart-cloth cdgp-csg-bart-dgen

Distractor Selector

fastText: cdgp-ds-fasttext

