pytorch text-generation causal-lm rwkv

RWKV-4 14B

[UPDATE: Try RWKV-4-World ( for generation & chat & code in 100+ world languages, with great English zero-shot & in-context learning ability too.]

Model Description

RWKV-4 14B is a L40-D5120 causal language model trained on the Pile. See for details.

args.n_layer = 40 args.n_embd = 5120

Use to run it.

RWKV-4-Pile-14B-2023xxxx-ctx8192-testxxx.pth : Fine-tuned to ctx_len 8192.


"Raven": RWKV alpaca+vicuna-style model: (highly recommended)

It is a strong chat model too. You can use +i for "Alpaca Instruct" in latest ChatRWKV v2. Examples:

+i Explain the following metaphor: "Life is like cats". 
+i write a python function to read data from an excel file.


RWKV-4-Pile-14B-20230213-8019.pth : Trained on the Pile for 331B tokens