Our Mission for embedded AI

In our mission to unleash AI on the edge, Datakalab has applied its proprietary quantization method on classical architecture and converted everythong to run in ONNX format for seamless compatibility with many hardware such as :

You can find an exhaustive list of devices support by ORT and the Execution Providers available

If you are looking for further compression methods (continual learning, pruning, batch norm folding, etc.) to fit your models on Intel devices, we’d love to hear from you!

Time on

Model name <p align="center"> Relative Accuracy Drop [(fp32-int8)/fp32] <p align="center"> Relative Model Size Improvement [(fp32-int8)/fp32] <p align="center"> Memory Size Ratio [fp32/int8]
Mobilenet V2 <p align="center"> 0.12% <p align="center"> + 72.2% <p align="center"> x 3.6
Resnet50 <p align="center"> 0.13% <p align="center"> + 74.5% <p align="center"> x 3.9
Efficientnetlite b0 <p align="center"> 0.1% <p align="center"> + 72.9% <p align="center"> x 3.7
YoloV3 <p align="center"> 0.93% <sup>1</sup> <p align="center"> + 77.3% <p align="center"> x 3.8

<sup>1</sup> Accuracy Ratio on mAP results


All those benchmarks where made using ONNX® and OnnxRuntime® Thanks a lot @Onnx®

Contact us

Feel free to reach out by email at hello at datakalab.com