GENIUS conditional text generation sketch-based text generation data augmentation

💡GENIUS – generating text using sketches!


💡GENIUS is a powerful conditional text generation model using sketches as input, which can fill in the missing contexts for a given sketch (key information consisting of textual spans, phrases, or words, concatenated by mask tokens). GENIUS is pre-trained on a large- scale textual corpus with a novel reconstruction from sketch objective using an extreme and selective masking strategy, enabling it to generate diverse and high-quality texts given sketches.

Example 1:

Example 2:

GENIUS can also be used as a general textual data augmentation tool for various NLP tasks (including sentiment analysis, topic classification, NER, and QA).


Model variations:

Model #params Language comment
genius-large 406M English The version used in paper (recommend)
genius-large-k2t 406M English keywords-to-text
genius-base 139M English smaller version
genius-base-ps 139M English pre-trained both in paragraphs and short sentences
genius-base-chinese 116M 中文 在一千万纯净中文段落上预训练


More Examples:



What is a sketch?

First, what is a sketch? As defined in our paper, a sketch is "key information consisting of textual spans, phrases, or words, concatenated by mask tokens". It's like a draft or framework when you begin to write an article. With GENIUS model, you can input some key elements you want to mention in your wrinting, then the GENIUS model can generate cohrent text based on your sketch.

The sketch which can be composed of:

How to use the model

1. If you already have a sketch in mind, and want to get a paragraph based on it...

from transformers import pipeline
# 1. load the model with the huggingface `pipeline`
genius = pipeline("text2text-generation", model='beyond/genius-large', device=0)
# 2. provide a sketch (joint by <mask> tokens)
sketch = "<mask> Conference on Empirical Methods <mask> submission of research papers <mask> Deep Learning <mask>"
# 3. here we go!
generated_text = genius(sketch, num_beams=3, do_sample=True, max_length=200)[0]['generated_text']


'The Conference on Empirical Methods welcomes the submission of research papers. Abstracts should be in the form of a paper or presentation. Please submit abstracts to the following email address: The conference will be held at Stanford University on April 1618, 2019. The theme of the conference is Deep Learning.'

If you have a lot of sketches, you can batch-up your sketches to a Huggingface Dataset object, which can be much faster.

TODO: we are also building a python package for more convenient use of GENIUS, which will be released in few weeks.

2. If you have an NLP dataset (e.g. classification) and want to do data augmentation to enlarge your dataset...

Please check genius/augmentation_clf and genius/augmentation_ner_qa, where we provide ready-to-run scripts for data augmentation for text classification/NER/MRC tasks.

Augmentation Experiments:

Data augmentation is an important application for natural language generation (NLG) models, which is also a valuable evaluation of whether the generated text can be used in real applications.

In-distribution (ID) evaluations:

Method Huff BBC Yahoo 20NG IMDB SST2 avg.
none 79.17 96.16 45.77 46.67 77.87 76.67 70.39
EDA 79.20 95.11 45.10 46.15 77.88 75.52 69.83
BackT 80.48 95.28 46.10 46.61 78.35 76.96 70.63
MLM 80.04 96.07 45.35 46.53 75.73 76.61 70.06
C-MLM 80.60 96.13 45.40 46.36 77.31 76.91 70.45
LAMBADA 81.46 93.74 50.49 47.72 78.22 78.31 71.66
STA 80.74 95.64 46.96 47.27 77.88 77.80 71.05
GeniusAug 81.43 95.74 49.60 50.38 80.16 78.82 72.68
GeniusAug-f 81.82 95.99 50.42 50.81 79.40 80.57 73.17

Out-of-distribution (OOD) evaluations:

Huff->BBC BBC->Huff IMDB->SST2 SST2->IMDB avg.
none 62.32 62.00 74.37 73.11 67.95
EDA 67.48 58.92 75.83 69.42 67.91
BackT 67.75 63.10 75.91 72.19 69.74
MLM 66.80 65.39 73.66 73.06 69.73
C-MLM 64.94 67.80 74.98 71.78 69.87
LAMBADA 68.57 52.79 75.24 76.04 68.16
STA 69.31 64.82 74.72 73.62 70.61
GeniusAug 74.87 66.85 76.02 74.76 73.13
GeniusAug-f 76.18 66.89 77.45 80.36 75.22

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