Model description

An XLM-RoBERTa Large reading comprehension model initialized from nq_tydi_sq1-xlmr_large-20221110 with continued training on TyDi QA with passage answer spans used for the begin and end of boolean questions.

Intended uses & limitations

You can use the raw model for the reading comprehension task. Biases associated with the pre-existing language model, xlm-roberta-large, that we used may be present in our fine-tuned model.


You can use this model directly with the PrimeQA pipeline for reading comprehension squad.ipynb.

BibTeX entry and citation info

  title={Do Answers to Boolean Questions Need Explanations? Yes},
  author={Sara Rosenthal and Mihaela A. Bornea and Avirup Sil and Radu Florian and Scott McCarley},
  author = {McCarley, Scott and 
            Bornea, Mihaela and 
            Rosenthal, Sara and 
            Ferritto, Anthony and 
            Sultan, Md Arafat and 
            Sil, Avirup and 
            Florian, Radu},
  title = {GAAMA 2.0: An Integrated System that Answers Boolean and Extractive Questions}, 
  journal   = {CoRR},
  publisher = {arXiv},  
  year = {2022},
  url = {},