stable-diffusion text-to-image

Neopian-Diffusion (wip, not done training the style isnt there yet)

Stable Diffusion models, starting with runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5, trained on images extracted from gifs from CLIP ViT-B/32 (OpenAI) was used to filter the best matching frame of the GIF for every given caption/GIF pair. The frame with the minimum spherical distance was chosen and saved for training. In total this amounts to 1950 images around 100x100px. The DreamBooth models were finetuned on a Colab T4 with the term "low-resolution" concatenated onto prompts at varying weights, to hopefully combat artifacting in the final results (see this link for a hypothesis from someone on Discord about using negative terms while training Textual Inversions

Example chosen frame of GIF from CLIP

Caption Unprocessed GIF Chosen Frame

Training Details

Stage 1 (0-8k steps) The text encoder was trained along with the UNet at half precision for 15% of the total 8,000 steps (1,200 steps), and then the UNet was trained alone for the rest. I used a polynomial learning rate decay starting at 2e-6 (the default in fast-DreamBooth). "low quality" concatenated onto 1/3 of the prompts. Trained at 448x448

Stage 2 (8k-16k) Text encoder trained 50% of steps, random choice "low quality" "lowres" "jpeg" concatenated onto 10% of prompts, starting at 1e-6 lr, trained at 384x384

How to use with diffusers library (section from openjourney)

Installing necessary libraries

NOTE: This model currently works on a computer which has at least one NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support.

pip install diffusers transformers ftfy scipy accelerate

Logging in

For logging in, you have to use huggingface-cli login command.

Importing necessary libraries

import torch
from torch import autocast
from diffusers.models import AutoencoderKL
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

Creating the pipeline

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("doohickey/neopian-diffusion", use_auth_token=True)
pipe ="cuda")

(Optional) Disabling NSFW Filter

NOTE: Remember disabling this is not recommended, but since people had problems with some very basic prompts, we offer this. Remember AI art has a vast majority of users, so keep underage and sensitive users safe.

def dummy(images, **kwargs): 
	return images, False
pipe.safety_checker = dummy

Image Generation

prompt = "my prompt"

with autocast("cuda"):
  image = pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=100, width=512, height=512, guidance_scale=15).images[0]"image.png")

Neopets Copyright Notice

"Don't forget, if you use these images on a non-Neopets page, you need to include our Copyright Notice."