BART model used to generate scientific papers' title given the highlights and the abstract of the paper. This model is specifically tuned for computer science papers.

This model is the result of a fine-tuning process done on sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6. We performed a first fine-tuning epoch on CSPubSumm (Ed Collins, et al. "A supervised approach to extractive summarisation of scientific papers."), BIOPubSumm, and AIPubSumm (L. Cagliero, M. La Quatra "Extracting highlights of scientific articles: A supervised summarization approach.").

A second fine-tuning epoch was performed only on CSPubSumm to let the model better understand how computer science titles are composed.

You can find more details in the GitHub repo.


This checkpoint should be loaded into BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained. See the BART docs for more information.


We have tested the model on all three the test sets, with the following results:

Dataset Rouge-1 F1 Rouge-2 F1 Rouge-L F1 BERTScore F1
CSPubSumm 0.55842 0.38177 0.50117 0.92329
AIPubSumm 0.44824 0.25147 0.37326 0.90774
BIOPubSumm 0.45350 0.24498 0.38614 0.90123